Traffic closures on 1-610 East Loop northbound at SH-225 this weekend, starting 9pm

During the weekend, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) will be closing the northbound I-610 East Loop at SH-225. The closures will begin at 9pm on Friday, November 10 and continue until 5am on Monday, November 13.

Below you will find different routes you can take to fight the traffic while traveling this weekend.

If you are traveling on I-610 East Loop Main lanes Northbound at SH-225:

  • Drivers will detour to SH 225 westbound, heading towards Broadway.
  • Upon reaching Broadway, a U-turn is required to access the eastbound SH 225 frontage road.
  • Drivers will then enter the eastbound SH 225 main lanes entrance ramp.
  • The route continues by exiting onto the I-610 westbound ramp, following I-610 westbound to I-45 northbound.
  • Upon reaching I-45 northbound, the journey continues to US 59 northbound.
  • Drivers will then follow US 59 northbound to I-10 eastbound, ultimately leading to I-610 East Loop.

If you are traveling on SH-225 Main lanes Westbound at I-610 East Loop:

  • Drivers will follow the detour to the I-610 westbound ramp.
  • From there, they will proceed on I-610 westbound to I-45 northbound.
  • Exiting onto I-45 northbound, drivers will continue to US 59 northbound.
  • The route then leads to I-10 eastbound, ultimately connecting with I-610 East Loop.