The Future Is Now - self-driving slippers, Netflix voice recognition

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The Future Is Now

No future with self-driving cars just yet, but we do have self-driving slippers. Nissan Motors developed slippers that park themselves at a hotel entrance, ready for guests upon arrival. The slippers use two tiny wheels and a camera to move around, the same science being used in the cars of the future. The slippers will be available in Tokyo by March.

The Future Is Now

You can get earn an online degree in flying cars. The technology doesn’t exist yet, but e-learning school Udacity is offering the six-month program where you can master autonomous flight software engineering skills, learn drone robotics, develop flying car systems and write code. The school’s founder said flying cars are the future of transportation. Graduates will help make it happen, but be quick as applications are due by Feb. 7.

The Future Is Now

Netflix can tell who is watching based on his or her voice with help from Google Assistant,which can pair your voice with your account. The service will know if it’s you or your mother or that friend who you gave your password to a while back and forgot still uses your account often.