Texas trafficking: New anti-human trafficking measures set to pass in Austin
Texas bills targeting human trafficking reforms
During the entire month of April, FOX 26 focused on the deep damage inflicted by the continuing threat of human trafficking. FOX 26's Greg Groogan provides a critical follow-up development and shares what kind of response we can expect from leaders in the state capitol.
HOUSTON - The considerable forces fighting the plague of human trafficking will soon be armed with a fresh array of criminal justice tools delivered by concerned lawmakers in the Texas Legislature.
"It's always looking at prevention, helping the victims, and how to put more teeth in prosecution," said State Senator Joan Huffman.
Huffman is once again at the tip of the "anti-trafficking spear" and teamed up with iconic Houston House Member Senfronia Thompson to deliver a bi-partisan slate of countermeasures.
Included in the legislation poised for approval are increased penalties aimed at traffickers who use force, enhanced sentences for those in possession of child pornography, new protections for potential victims living with a disability, and a permanent "flag" on the driver's licenses of those convicted of human trafficking in the past.
Huffman says these new laws should strengthen the hand of prosecutors and peace officers, much like a landmark 2021 reform.
"We made the buying of sex a felony. The first state in the United States of America to do that. We did it here in Texas, which is supposed to be the home of the good old boys, right?" said Huffman.
The harsher penalties and victim protections will be needed, given the huge number of highly vulnerable, immigrants entering the country.
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"There is no doubt some of these men and women that are coming across the border are being trafficked. There are millions coming across. Most of them undocumented, most unaccounted for, most disappearing into the country, and it's very concerning for those of us watching this," said Huffman.
Huffman says the multiple proposed measures aimed at better attacking human trafficking enjoy near unanimous, bipartisan support.