Teen with terminal cancer weds high school sweetheart

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For high school sweethearts Dustin Snyder and Sierra Siverio, today was more than a wedding day. It was a wish granted.

Snyder is battling terminal cancer and has been given just weeks to live. After receiving the news, all he wanted was to spend the rest of his life married to his best friend.

Their community rallied behind them, making plans and collecting donations to help make their dreams come true in a matter of days. Donations poured in from around the country, thousands of dollars -- the dress, the cake, the rings, and the venue. All in an effort to make today special. 

The couple first met in middle school, but everything changed the day before Dustin’s 18th birthday. He was diagnosed with cancer; Sierra never left his side.

“After my first surgery when she was there for me in the hospital for 10 days straight, didn’t ever leave. That’s when I knew she was the one,” said Dustin.

Doctors recently shared the devastating news that his cancer was terminal and he had only weeks to live. Dustin knew what he had to do with the little time he had left.

“Saying 'I do' and being forever in love with Sierra and being with her for the rest of, as long as I have.”

Both Dustin and Sierra say they are grateful for all those who mad this day special. They’re headed to Disney World to celebrate their honeymoon and cherish every moment they have together.