Teachers outraged NRA Convention resumes days after mass shooting in Uvalde

Teachers from across the country have gathered in Houston, furious that the NRA Convention is being held, and are calling for stricter gun laws.

While protesters were chanting, waving signs, and making their voices heard outside George R. Brown Convention Center, some educators gathered for a round table. 

MORE: NRA convention begins in Houston: Speakers, security measures, and protests

The message many say they’re trying to send is one of support for families impacted by gun violence, making changes to end such violence and say they are against holding a gun convention on the heels of two shooting massacres that left dozens of children and adults dead.

"It is our shared responsibility to wrap ourselves around our babies and make sure they can live," President of the National Education Association Becky Pringle says.

Those who want tighter gun laws and don't want the NRA Convention held this weekend in Houston gathered at City Hall with the faith-based community. 

"Assault weapons should be immediately banned," Community of Faith Bishop James Dixon says. "Those guns are not made to hunt animals. They're made to hunt people and as long as we don't have a ban on assault weapons our leadership should be held accountable."

TIMELINE: How the massacre at Robb Elementary unfolded

Also standing with them? Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, who says contractually he couldn't cancel the convention but says all the voices are being heard.

"Teachers and students are not supposed to be dying in their classroom," Says Fort Bend American Federation of Teachers President Glenda Guzman Macal.

MORE: Houston officials detail public safety, security plan for 2022 NRA convention

"Working in an elementary school shouldn't be a high-risk job," adds Sylvia Tanguma who’s a teacher and a member of Moms Demand Action.

"When you think you're not effective let me tell you that you are because the governor is not coming to the NRA," Mayor Turner says. "The lieutenant governor is not coming to the NRA."

RELATED: Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick cancels NRA convention appearance

"I am a teacher at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida," says teacher Sarah Lerner who’s a Parkland shooting survivor. "I kept 15 students safe in my classroom while a gunman killed 17."

"I was a second-grade teacher at Sandy Hook School on December 14, 2012, and I huddled my students just like the teachers did at Uvalde," says Abbey Clements who still teaches at Sandy Hook.  

RELATED: Tackling the tough conversation with your child about Uvalde

Teachers from all over the United States are in Houston as swarms gather for the NRA Convention days after the school massacre at Robb Elementary.

"I cried myself to sleep Tuesday night and I woke up Wednesday morning, and I was still crying," Macal adds.

"My 6-year-old turns 7 tomorrow and I feel guilty that I'm able to have a birthday party for him because there are children that will never have another birthday," HISD mom Christina Quintero cries.

"What's it going to take for lawmakers to stop and value their lives? We are sick and tired of talking about this. It's an unimaginable loss." TSTA President Olivia Molina adds.

"You live in a world where teddy bears and hugs are replaced by caskets and body bags," says Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. "This should not be." 

MORE: Texas school shooting suspect said 'goodnight,' played 'sad' music before firing, 11-year-old says

"This issue should have ended before I was born. I was born a year after Columbine,"says David Hogg who survived the Parkland school shooting and is the Co-Founder of March For Our Lives. "When I was 17 years old and the shooting in Parkland, Florida happened one of the first things I said was we are the kids you are the adults you need to do something. We’re still talking about it."

So what do they want to be done? Those who are speaking out say they want to raise the age to buy a gun to 21 and universal, thorough background checks, for starters.

RELATED: Some lawmakers talk about changing gun laws after mass shootings, but make it easier for Texans to have guns

Congresswoman Jackson Lee is pledging to propose gun bills next month. Although, she says her previous bills on the issue have been blocked. The Congresswoman says she will be asking her republican colleagues for their support.