Senator Ted Cruz on threats of Syria, North Korea

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Three hundred forty-two days after ending his campaign for the presidency, Senator Ted Cruz was back on the stump, telling Texans how he'd recently earned his keep by pushing through $19 billion in fresh NASA funding.

"We stand solidly behind space and space exploration and America's leadership in space and I think that is very good for the country, but also very good for Texas," said Cruz.

In Stafford, it was welcome news for the aeronautical workers at Atec Inc., as was the Senator's crusading for the brutally over budget, way over deadline F-35 fighter.

"We need to make sure that everyone is agreed that this program is vital," said Cruz.

It's weaponry America could use sooner rather than later, given escalating tension with a Syrian regime unleashing murderous chemical munitions.

Today, Cruz clearly counseled the commander in chief to proceed carefully.

"I would be very concerned if the administration were considering prolonged military engagement in Syria. I think that has the potential to undermine U.S. national security interest," said Cruz.

And then there's the impending threat of a nuclear-armed North Korea controlled by a leader Cruz calls mentally "unstable".

As a U.S. Naval task force steamed toward the Korean peninsula in a show of strength, Senator Cruz stopped short of advising a preemptive strike.

"I don't know that there is a spot on earth right now more dangerous than North Korea," said Cruz.

On the issue of health care Cruz said "failure is not an option" when it comes to repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. He predicted Republican lawmakers will regroup and make good on a promise they can't afford to break.