Scorching temperatures raise concern for children left in cars

For trauma centers around the nation, they see a spike in volume in terms of the number of children that are coming into emergency centers during the summer months.

The cases are often accidental deaths, like children left in hot cars.

"Children’s body temperatures heat three to five times faster than adults. So they have some challenges with what we call their thermal regularity properties, so they don’t just cool as quickly," said Kristen Beckworth, Manager of the Center for Childhood Injury Prevention at Texas Children's Hospital.

"The one thing I want to point out for anyone watching this story, and think how could that happen, how could they leave a child in the car - over 60% of these deaths are kids that were forgotten. So change in pattern, one person was supposed to drop off the child, and they forgot, change in routine. Kids that are rear facing and sleeping and forget they are back there."

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According to Texas Children’s Hospital, here are ways to prevent heat stroke:
A: AVOID heatstroke and other heat-related injuries by never leaving your child alone in a car … not even for a minute. In Texas, this is a crime and can result in a class C misdemeanor in the most harmless of situations. When the vehicle is at home, keep the doors locked and keys out of a child’s reach.

C: CREATE reminders! Place an item you need in the back of your car or next to your child, such as a briefcase, wallet or cell phone. This is especially important if you’re not following your normal routine. If your child is with a care provider, ensure vehicle-related procedures are in place, such as vehicle searches or locking vehicles when not in use. Use technology to your advantage and use apps or other communication methods with your childcare provider.

T: TAKE action. If you see a child alone in a car, call 911. Emergency personnel want you to call, and they’re trained to respond swiftly to these situations. One call could save a life.