SAMPLE BALLOT: Preview of December runoff election for Houston area
HOUSTON - Early voting resumes Monday, December 2. Polls will be open daily, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. through December 7. Voters can cast early votes on December 8th, but only from 1-6 p.m. Election day is Saturday, December 14. Before you hit the polls, take a few minutes to see which races you'll decide. Here's where to find a sample ballot:
Harris County
Residents in Harris County can enter their name and address at to see a ballot specific to where you live in the county. This year, Harris County voters can vote at any polling location in the county.
Fort Bend County
Residents in Fort Bend can visit the county website by clicking here for a list of sample ballots. It will help to know which precinct you live within.
Montgomery County
Residents of Montgomery County can find run-off election information on their county website by clicking here.