Safety Tips
Houston - If you feel like you may be in a trafficking situation, please consider how to plan for your safety. Below are some basic safety tips. If you would like to discuss creating a safety plan, contact the hotline for help at 1-888-373-7888 or through 711 (TTY).
Trust your judgment. If a situation/individual makes you uncomfortable, trust that feeling.
- Keep all important documents and identification in your possession at all times.
- Keep important numbers on your person at all times, including the number of someone you feel safe contacting if you are in trouble.
- Make sure that you have a means of communication (cell phone, phone card), access to your bank account, and any medication that you might need with you at all times. Have an extra phone charger on you.
- Document any unwanted contact by your trafficker (calls, texts, emails, showing up at your work/home) and save any voicemails/texts/emails that are threatening in nature.
- Have a special signal (lights flicking on and off, code word, code text message, etc.) to use with a trusted friend/relative/neighbor to notify them that you are in danger or a person/situation is suspicious.
- If you are ever in immediate danger, the quickest way to access help is to call 911.