Residents in Montgomery neighborhood say owned loose dogs are attacking people, children, other animals

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Montgomery residents worried about roaming dogs

Residents in one Montgomery neighborhood are terrified to go outside because of roaming dogs. FOX 26 Reporter Randy Wallace has more.

Montgomery County Animal Control officers have been called many times to Lake Conroe Village and say they've written the roaming dog's owner numerous citations.

"It's very scary," said Davia Mouzakes. "You can't go outside, kids can't play, people can't walk their dogs."

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Some who live in Lake Conroe Village say one inconsiderate dog owner is ruining their quality of life.

"These dogs are not afraid to charge," said Memorie Wilson. "They came after me, and the two dogs I walk of hers."

"They appear out of nowhere. They get out through their fence, and I've had to physically go out there with a baseball bat, scream, holler, yell," said one resident who asked to remain anonymous.

She told us she saved a little girl from the dogs.

"The little girl would have been mauled, because she was eye level with that dog," she said.

"I've literally had to run out my front door to yell at the dogs, so they stop attacking a young mother and her child, whose probably four or five years old," said Janice Succi.

"Just walking down the street on a telephone call, on my Bluetooth headset, I saw them circle me aggressively like they would bite me or attack me in some way," said Tyler Stacy.

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We talked to more than a dozen people who shared horror stories about the dogs.

"One of the dogs was biting me, and had to be chased off by one of the cars," said Harper Mckaskle. 

"Them dogs are always out and always about, and they're constantly biting people," said Terry Middleton,

He showed us where one of the dogs bit him.

"Four dogs attacked me, and the big black one bit me on the leg, and it's not the first time."

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The owner of the roaming dogs didn't answer the door.

Some residents question why animal control officers can't do more than issue citations.

The Montgomery County Animal Shelter Director says residents need to file dangerous animal affidavits, which can be found on the shelter's website.