Renowned attorney Tony Buzbee enters race for Houston City Council, District G
Tony Buzbee enters race for Houston City Council
Prominent Houston attorney Tony Buzbee has announced he's running for a seat on the Houston City Council.
HOUSTON - Prominent Houston attorney Tony Buzbee has declared his candidacy for Houston City Council, District G. Taking to his Instagram page, Buzbee shared his decision to run, expressing his dedication to serving his home district and the city at large.
Having previously run for mayor in 2019, Buzbee reflected on the insights gained from the experience, stating, "The last mayoral election was eye-opening and humbling for me. I learned a lot about our city, its problems, some solutions, and the great people who live here."
Two key considerations guided Buzbee’s decision to vie for City Council.

Firstly, he stressed the importance of a viable path to victory, asserting, "I would only do so if I actually could win. I wasn’t going to set out on a fool’s errand."
Secondly, he expressed a commitment to preventing any harm to the city, explaining, "If I couldn’t win, I certainly didn’t want to be responsible for helping elect someone who I feel would be severely damaging to our city."
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Buzbee highlighted his reasons for choosing the City Council path, noting, "I can best serve our city as an active, informed, and innovative council member of my home district, District G. I thus humbly ask for support from the residents of District G."
While acknowledging encouragement to run for mayor, he stated that the time was not right.
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Mary Nan Huffman is also running for Houston City Council, District G.
A new element has been added to the race for Houston City Council, District G, with the entry of Buzbee. The candidate will discuss his decision to run in an exclusive interview with Fox 26 reporter Randy Wallace.