Purple Lovables bringing joy to those impacted by childhood cancer in Houston

Purple Lovables just sound peaceful and fun. The interesting characters were developed in Houston, after doodles and scrawls on a piece of paper turned into products.

Its developer hopes people will consider them as holiday gift ideas. Part of the proceeds will even help families dealing with childhood cancer.

Something to make a mom smile: that's how these Purple Lovables came about!

“I didn't know I could draw! I knew I could doodle, so I started doodling these characters or animals, and they started to evolve into characters of their own,” states Anita Kruse.


They were like magic, making her recently widowed mother smile during tough times of the pandemic.

“I just started doodling and sharing them on Facebook. Friends started writing to me saying, ‘I think you need to do something with these little characters’, so I got in touch with Ray and we've moved them into a graphic version. He's so talented,” smiles Anita.

She’s referring to Ray Younkin, who shares mutual respect.

“I was actually surprised Anita hadn't done this sooner.  They're so quintessentially Anita. I mean that in the best possible way! They're full of innocence, they're pure, they're joyful, and the world could use a little bit more of that right now,” states co-founder, Ray.

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Anita is well-known for bringing joy to young patients at Texas Children's Cancer Center through her music studio, "Purple Songs Can Fly".

She helps children, battling cancer, take their mind off of treatment by writing and singing their own song. She has even come up with a way to keep the music program alive virtually throughout the pandemic. Now she's selling her Purple Lovables to help benefit the studio, so they can continue to bring happiness through music. Twenty percent of the profits will go toward Purple Songs Can Fly.

“I'd love to see people wearing them and smiling and sharing them and getting inspired themselves to do creative things, because I think that's what we all need,” states Anita. “I've got lots of Anita's original doodles. They provide the initial inspiration, and we just wait to see what happens next,” says Ray.

So far, they’ve created shirts, yoga pants, masks, mugs, and more with their Lovables.

“This (Lovable on a mug) makes me happy! It's on both sides, so someone can see a smile on one side and you can see a smile on your side, and it's just happy,” smiles Anita.

“At first glance you see them and they seem like cute cartoons and you get a grin and that's a good start. I'd like to see people dive into it more, find out the stories behind these characters and pass them along to their friends and relatives. Like we say online - share a smile with the world as many times as you can,” states Ray.

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Each personality is described with the characters on their webpage.    

Anita chooses purple as her color of choice, because it’s associated with courage, conquering, power, healing, spirituality and so much more. She’s ready and willing to share her purple love.

“I'm sending wishes for everyone's health and well-being and staying safe. We all need some love and kindness,” says Anita.

You can find her purple pets at https://purplelovables.com