Publix is prepared: We've been ready for hurricane season since January

Photos: Jessica Sullivan (inset), Publix

With Hurricane Dorian swirling toward a possible Florida landfall, residents have flooded stores across Florida – grabbing as much non-perishable foods and water as they can. For Publix, store representatives say they are ready.

In fact, they’ve been prepared since January.

Brian West, a Publix spokesperson, says Publix is on standby with warehouses stocked up with water, ice and other products they anticipate to be in high demand prior to a hurricane’s potential landfall. The company has noticed an uptick in sales in water and ice at their southeast Florida stores. 

“We encourage our customers to begin preparing for hurricane season June 1,” West explained. “You don’t have to buy everything all at once – just throw an item or two in the bag each week but most of us are broken and we don’t do those things. We wait until the last minute.”

LINK: Track Dorian on

But, he said, if you are trying to build your hurricane kit, do it sooner than Sunday. 

“Definitely get the stuff you need now,” West explained. “Don’t wait until Sunday or Monday then you’re going to find yourself really looking.”

If you’re trying to avoid purchasing cans of Vienna sausages or boxes of ramen, he said there are some fruits you can purchase that can last a week, such as apples, oranges, and watermelon. 

“They’ve got a little bit of shelf life – a week or so -- and don’t have to be refrigerated,” he said. 

Publix is prepared, West said. Now, it’s up to the customers to be prepared. 

“We’re stocked and ready to go.”