Protests and Aggies United counter white nationalist speech at Texas A&M

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It could be best described as one part hip hop concert and two parts activism with a pep rally at Texas A&M.

The Aggies United event was designed to send a strong message to White Nationalist Richard Spencer. 

"If you're a purveyor of hate and divisiveness, and you want to spew that kind of racism, this is the last campus on Earth that you want to come to to do that," said  Matt Sheldon at the event.

Spencer's arrival on the campus of Aggie Land was a catalyst to bring people together to say hate won't be tolerated. Estimates are about 8,000 people attended the Aggies United rally.

While outside hundreds more chanted in an unofficial protests saying no to division.

"I was very despondent about seeing the amount of racism, misogyny, homophobia and xenophobia that was present in the election. And I think right now at this time its very important to come out and say that I'm not for that," Lance Lozano said.

An Aggies United wall was created for people to sign, showing unity against the man seen as a leader of the Alt-Righ. Surprisingly, students say Richard Spencer actually showed up signing his name on the board, but the Aggies didn't let that slide. 

"He wrote we triggered the world, so me and a group of other students, said you know what, lets show him that they didn't trigger the world, that we are the world. So we wrote over his signature to show that the world triumphs his beliefs," said one student.

It was a rally that brought people from all over the region, even pulling some from Houston and Ft. Worth.

"It's important for the world to know that Texas is not racist. That we do not honor a guy like Richard Spencer, when he shows up we'll drown it out with freedom of speech," Joetta Keene said.