Popular Houston ISD principal reassigned just days before school starts

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HISD parents concerned principal won't return

Parents at Stevens Elementary School in Houston ISD found out this week their well-loved principal will no longer be there. FOX 26's Sherman Desselle spoke with a parent and has more on their concerns.

There are more last-minute changes happening at Houston ISD schools just days away from the school bell ringing on August 28.

Parents at Stevens Elementary School in the Oak Forest area found out this week their well-loved principal will no longer be there.

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Adam Chaney, a member of the school's parent organization (PTCO), tells FOX 26 that parents were told on August 21, Principal Erin Trent would be taking some extended leave until November. Two days later, they receive a call with a recorded message.

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FULL AUDIO: Phone call recording to parents

FOX 26 has obtained audio of the phone call made to parents informing them of the change of leadership at Stevens Elementary School.

"This is intended to inform you that Erin Trent was informed that she will no longer serve as the principal of Stevens Elementary. We know families and students are preparing for the start of the school year and this change may feel abrupt, but it has become clear that this change is necessary to ensure Steven’s Elementary students start the year off well with access to high-quality instruction on day one that meets their needs and supports increased academic outcomes on the campus."

Chaney tells FOX 26 he was shocked and frustrated at the call.

"Meet the Teacher is Friday morning," said Chaney. "Erin Trent usually brings donuts and coffee, answers questions, and gets to know new parents. She's present and hypes up the kids. I have no idea what's about to happen."

Photo of Stevens Elementary principal, Erin Trent (HISD website photo)

Teachers at the school were also shocked at the news after receiving the same message.

The audio also stated, "Stevens Elementary will be led by Division staff and the Assistant Principal until a new leader can be selected. We will share updates as soon as we select a new school leader. We have every confidence that students and staff at Stevens Elementary will rise to the challenge and start the year well next Monday."

Chaney has reached out to the district for an explanation of the new "division." FOX 26 also asked HISD's press office about the matter and waiting to get a response.

A district spokesperson stated due to the principal change being an ongoing personnel matter, the office declined to comment. 

"I've heard nothing. How can we not think this is related to the rest of the chaos that's happening in the district? Was it an isolated incident? If she needed to be fired, then why? If it's a good reason, I can live with that," Chaney said.

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According to the HISD website, Erin Trent arrived at Stevens in 2019. Chaney says since Trent's arrival, the school's performance score has improved from a D to a B.

Former HISD Trustee Ann Sung says reassignments with principals often happen, but the methods used during this administration are different from those in past years.

"Usually in HISD, principal turnover happens in June or July. That's the normal time for reassignment," said Sung. "August, or days before the start of the school year, is highly unusual. It doesn't seem like a situation where the principal has done something egregious or unlawful. It sounds more like a disagreement between the school and the principal."

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Reassigning principals is the right of the Superintendent in HISD, but parents like Chaney are hoping for answers at a school that seemed to be progressing before the state takeover.

Sung also said in previous trustee boards, leaders would ask the Superintendent about the abrupt change.

"Sometimes it's unlawful and even if that person's popular, there needs to be a change. If it's just a different philosophy, sometimes the board can push back," she said. "The changes affected communities, and we saw that scores at schools and the culture did not improve. The Superintendents in the last seven years have tried to make sure they find the right person and tried to keep those leaders in place."

Despite the last-minute changes, Chaney says parents at the school will still show their support for whoever will be put in place to lead. His full statement on behalf of the Parent Teacher Community Organization: 

"My name is Adam Chaney, and I am the parent of a second grader at Stevens Elementary School. My daughter just graduated from the fifth grade at Stevens last semester. I currently serve as the Parliamentarian on the Steven’s Parent Teacher Community Organization (PTCO) and I have been actively involved in supporting the campus faculty and staff for five years.

On Monday, August 21, the faculty and staff of Stevens Elementary were informed that our principal, Mrs. Erin Trent, was taking a leave of absence. This information was then communicated to the PTCO and the Stevens community. At that time we were assured that Principal Trent would return to campus after her leave. As well, we were informed that our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Williams would be stepping into the leadership gap during the semester. Despite a bit of anxiety and surprise, we felt a sense of relief and encouragement from leaders in the campus administration that everything was stable. Erin Trent is an incredible leader, and her administration is responsible for dramatically increasing the quality of education and student support at Stevens. In fact, last year, the school’s rating was increased from a D to a B as a direct result of her administration.

This morning, Wednesday, August 23, every Stevens parent, received an automated phone call from HISD which said:

"This is an important message from the Houston Independent School District. This is intended to inform you that Erin Trent was informed that she will no longer serve as the principal of Stevens Elementary. We know families and students are preparing for the start of the school year and this change may feel abrupt. But, it has become clear that this change is necessary to ensure Steven’s Elementary students start the year off well with access to high-quality instruction on day one that meets their needs and supports increased academic outcomes on the campus. Stevens Elementary will be led by Division staff and the Assistant Principle until a new leader can be selected. We will share updates as soon as we select a new school leader. We have every confidence that students and staff at Steven’s Elementary will rise to the challenge and start the year well next Monday."

This unexpected and impersonal communication from the district caused immediate anxiety, confusion, and fear. Indeed, this change does "feel abrupt." The PTCO immediately sprang into action contacting Stevens faculty and staff while fielding countless correspondence from parents and community members. Unfortunately, the faculty, staff, and administration at Stevens were just as surprised as the parents. Once again, just two days ago, Mrs. Trent told the faculty she was taking leave, not resigning, and certainly not being terminated. It is the understanding of the Stevens community that Mrs. Trent is still the school principal. However, the vague and confusing message from HISD’s automated system indicates facts to the contrary.

I have personally reached out to "Division staff and the Assistant Principal" in accordance with the details shared in the automated call. The Stevens Assistant Principal is just as confused and in the dark. I attempted to contact Mr. Jacob Johnson, HISD North Division Executive Director, and Mr. Orlando Riddick, HISD North Division Superintendent. Unfortunately, there is no way to contact them directly through district communication channels such as an email address or office phone. I eventually found a very helpful employee in HISD Human Resources who relayed my request for clarification to the North Division office, apparently through internal Microsoft Teams. No one on the PTCO or Stevens staff has received direct communication or clarification from the North Division office.

Stevens Elementary Meet the Teacher is this Friday Morning and, of course, the first day of school is this coming Monday. Our community deserves clarification immediately! It is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid interpreting this chaotic situation through the lens of the controversial state takeover. The TEA has already disenfranchised us by removing our democratically elected school board and Superintendent. Many Stevens community members cannot help but wonder if this is a backhanded way of forcing our campus to become NES-aligned. We know very well that Principal Trent did not opt into the NES alignment, which creates worry that the district is retaliating against her for not conforming to the NES. We are less than a week from the start of school, and we demand clarification and transparency from the North Division immediately!

- Adam Chaney, Stevens Elementary Parent & PTCO Parliamentarian"