Police say 43-year-old habitual offender beat his pregnant girlfriend after being freed from jail on PR bond

The fact that David Velasquez was free from jail on three bonds in Fort Bend County still didn't stop a Harris County Magistrate from granting him a get out of jail free card.

Velasquez could be the poster boy for a violent habitual career offender.

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"He's got six felony convictions, three of those involve firearms," said Andy Kahan with Crime Stoppers. "He's been to prison three times."

In March, Velasquez walked out of the Fort Bend County Jail after posting three bonds for assault of a pregnant woman, assault family violence, and criminal mischief.

Last June, he was arrested in Harris County for felon in possession of a weapon, a crime he's been convicted of three times.

Still, his lengthy rap sheet, and the fact he's out on three bonds in Fort Bend County, didn't stop Magistrate Joy Thomas from giving Velasquez a huge break.

"He gets a PR bond, a get out of jail free card granted to him by a magistrate," said Kahan.

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Earlier this month, police say Velasquez assaulted his girlfriend a second time.

"Pushed her, kicked her, and was just knocking the living you know what out of her," Kahan said.

"There are a lot of factors that are bringing a lot of red flags and are very concerning," said Amy Smith, Senior Director of Operations and Communications with the Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council. "I'm just afraid he's going to do something to her or the baby, because nobody is really holding him accountable right now."

"And you think he's a good risk for public safety?" said Kahan. "That makes zero sense. It defies logic, and now she gets assaulted again."

Velasquez remains in jail with no bond until his next court hearing.