GIZA, Egypt - The world's tallest man and the shortest woman visited Egypt’s Giza Pyramids last week, as part of a campaign which aims to revive the country’s struggling tourism industry, which has taken a hit since the uprising in 2011.
Thirty-five-year old Sultan Kosen, who is of Kurdish origin, is 8 feet 3 inches tall. He is considered the first person in more than a decade to officially measure more than 8 feet and is one of only 10 confirmed cases in history, according to the Guinness World Records.
Jyoti Amge is 24. 3 inches tall – just over two feet -- and is a 24-year-old actress from India who now stars in the television series, American Horror Story.
The two had never met before and had never visited Egypt before either. On Friday, they strolled about the pyramids and took photographs amidst a desert background and camels.
The tourism ministry says the two are expected to go to other well-known Egyptian sites during their visit, according to Reuters.