Pasadena officials questioned about canceled scholarships for Latinas

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Two Latinas have scholarships canceled by City

A community rallying behind Pasadena teens took their concerns to City Hall after the city attorney and mayor canceled two checks for college-bound Latinas without explanation. FOX 26's Jonathan Mejia has more on the story.

Members of the Pasadena community are seeking explanations from city officials after two college scholarships designated for Latina students were unexpectedly canceled.

At a city council meeting Tuesday morning, Cesar Espinoza, director of immigrant advocacy group FIEL, challenged Pasadena Mayor Jeff Wagner and City Attorney Jay Dell. Espinoza asked, "Where is the money going?" and stressed the need for transparency regarding the withdrawal of financial support.

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Impacted by the cancelation, Ana Pineda, an aspiring engineer who graduated top of her class, was disheartened to learn she would no longer receive the Guerrero Scholarship. 

"This was an unbelievable feeling for me. Making me doubt my future, it was a big step back in furthering my education," Pineda said. The promise of financial aid had been a substantial factor in her pursuit of higher education.

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The scholarships were set up by Councilman Emmanuel Guerrero and were withdrawn while he was out of town. Advocates for the students argue that this situation is indicative of deeper-rooted inequalities that Latinos in Pasadena continue to face.


Espinoza criticized the city's handling of the issue, suggesting that better communication with the recipients was necessary. Instead of canceling the checks without explanation, he told city officials they should have contacted the students directly to discuss the situation.