No evidence of threat at Regan High school says HISD

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Students and parents at Reagan Senior High School are on high alert after a student issued a threat against the campus.

The Houston Independent School District told FOX 26 News that the threat was not credible and that the school was not placed on lockdown. However, that did not stop parents from picking up students from the school on Monday. 

FOX 26 News spoke to students and parents on campus who said that the threat was from a student within the school. Parents were alerted by text message about the incident, which gave them the option to pick their children up from campus.

An HISD officer did confirm it was a student that made a gun threat and that the student is in custody though he has not been arrested. No other information has been provided. The school says there will be extra security on campus on Monday following the threat. HISD police is still investigating.

Concerned parents of Reagan students initially told FOX 26 News the school was on lockdown after reports of a social media "school shooting threat."

Parents told FOX 26 through Facebook direct messages that students were frisked as they entered the school.