Mother says hibachi chef's remarks inappropriate for young girls

Last Saturday, this mother who asked to remain anonymous says she took her 8-year-old daughter and her daughter’s 9-year-old friend to Yoko Japanese Kitchen in Cypress.

“He introduced himself to us as 'Sexy Boy'," the mother said.

She says that would be just the start of a slew of inappropriate comments the hibachi chef made in front of two little girls.

“He asked her if he could have a kiss and puckered his lips to hers asking for a kiss,” said the mother.

She says she gave Chef Sexy Boy the benefit of the doubt but was watching him closely.

“Caught him licking his lips at my daughter and making kissy faces to her,” the mother said.

But what he said during the Japanese doll trick was too much for this mother.

“It wasn’t until he made the comment that his doll wanted a kiss on his pee pee, that’s when I knew it had gone too far,” she said.

The angry mother asked the manager to remove Chef Sexy Boy from her table.

The next day she posted about the experience on Facebook and got an overwhelming response.

“I would say 20 to 30 people either commented on the post or messaged me personally that had the exact thing or very similar experience with the same guy,” the mother said.

“I look at Facebook because I live in Fairfield too,” said Yoko Japanese Kitchen Manager Cindy Weng.

Weng says she noticed 200 people were talking about Yoko Japanese Kitchen.

“It was breaking my heart,” Weng said.

Weng says she removed Chef Sexy Boy from the mother’s table as soon as she complained about him..

“I understand because I have two little girls too,” the manager said. Weng says the Japanese doll trick is out.

“From now on we are not using 'pee pee boy' anymore,” she said.

And Weng says Chef Sexy Boy is getting more training.

“You are not working here right now, we need to retrain you,’” Weng said.