More questions emerge on the 'mystery woman' in Goforth case

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New documents filed in the Goforth murder case are raising more questions about who the mystery woman is and how officials handled her.

There have been so many questions surrounding this mystery woman. One of those is why it took so long to reveal her existence. Now, the accused shooter's attorney, Anthony Osso, wants to know about every law enforcement and D.A. official who talked with the mystery woman, so that he can piece together his timeline.

Deputy Darren Goforth was killed on August 28th, and his accused shooter, Shannon Miles, is being charged with capital murder.

But the narrative has been somewhat muddled ever since a mystery woman came forward and said she was having an affair with Goforth.

She was there at the scene the night of the murder, but new documents are raising  questions about how she was handled by the officials at the scene as well as how and  why she left.

“We want to know who responded, which deputies had contact with her, spoke with her. Did anyone transport her from the scene? Did anyone instruct her to leave the scene? Did she leave prior to the D.A.’s office arriving?” said Osso.

Osso said this is important to know in proving whether Deputy Goforth was actually on official duty at the gas station. He also said the delay in revealing the mystery woman is suspicious.

“The Sheriff's Department didn’t tell the D.A.'s  office of her existence until Sept 10. It raises the question of why? What is there to hide? Maybe they think it's significant as I do,” said Osso.

Osso said if the sheriff's office is withholding anything -- like knowledge of this woman's relationship with Goforth -- that this motion will attempt to find the truth.

As for the current status of Miles, Osso said communication has been tough.

“We conduct ongoing interviews. We're working with him, and we're running into some difficulties as far as communicating. As you know, he's already been incompetent to stand trial before, so we can only expect so much from him,” said Osso.

Miles is scheduled to appear in court on Monday.