Mom and author focusing on mental health in new children’s books

A mother of four is raking-in the literary awards for the children's books she has been writing during the pandemic. She shares her positive attitude to help lift spirits and reduce stress. 

Like many of us, Nkem DenChukwu has had more spare time than usual during the pandemic. She has taken advantage of that by writing and publishing five children's books with a special focus on healthy minds.


"Mental health is something that we all need to focus on every single day. I mean, a lot of times you see somebody smiling in posted pictures on social media. You think they're okay, a lot of times they're not," states Nkem. 

So, she encourages her readers, in hopes of reaching those who are not feeling “okay”.

"When you read my books, not because I wrote them, but they have beautiful life lessons in there, and they have beautiful stories that everyone, regardless of how old you are, can relate to," says Nkem.

She shares what helps keep her motivated to write these positive books.

"I trust God with all my heart. I don't believe that I will be here without the grace of God, so I focus my energy on the things that matter. Like I listen to music, I talk to good friends. I have a handful of good friends, and I talk to my family and my kids are in my constant support, they are my life. I love to cook, so I do little things that make me happy, and I make sure that I stay away from negative energy. Try not to give up and just do your best to be thankful each day. It doesn't have to be only on Thanksgiving that we celebrate thankfulness, we should be thankful every single morning when you wake up and you feel your breath and feel your heart beating, feel blessed, everything else will fall into place," smiles Nkem.

She's getting creative to personalize her works of literary art during the pandemic since face-to-face book signings aren't happening right now.

"People are now pre-ordering the books on my website. That way I can sign them and have a virtual gathering. I call them the virtual gathering or party release,” says Nkem.

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