Mayoral candidate Dwight Boykins apologizes for comments made to a group of teens

City councilman and mayoral candidate Dwight Boykins is apologizing after speaking to a group of teens.

The Youth Advocacy Summit happened on Friday and Boykins tells FOX 26 he was asked to speak. During the event, he allegedly made some remarks about girls and how they should “keep their legs closed.”

Boykins was confronted about the comments afterwards and he says he apologized. 

Part of a statement published by “Mi Familia Vota” who put on the event reads: 

"After an initial investigation, we took immediate action of notifying the appropriate authorities. In addition, we have notified and had discussions with parents and guardians of the students and will continue to communicate with them as circumstances dictate."

Boykins took to Facebook this morning:

“My words were met to inspire and I deeply regret the extent to which they caused anyone hurt or discomfort.  That was never my intention, and to anyone who may have taken offense by what I said, I apologize.”