Mattress Mack commercials: Which one is your favorite?

Jim "Mattress Mack" McIngvale is known nationally for his large sports bets on Houston and other Texas sports teams. But in Houston, he is known for creative and attention-grabbing Gallery Furniture commercials.

Mattress Mack has done commercials dressed as wrestling stars Ric Flair and Mach Man Randy Savage, even commercials where he was seen seemingly mixing "lean".

Whether or not all of his commercials have been in the judgment, his Gallery Furniture commercials always grab the attention of Houstonians.

This brings us to the question…Which Mattress Mack is your favorite?

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Check out some Mattress Mack Gallery Furniture Commercials below:

Mattress Mack as Ric Flair: 

Mattress Mack as Macho Man Randy Savage:

Mattress Mack Singing and Playing the Piano:

Mattress "Gangster" Mack:

Mattress Mack Versace Commercial:

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Mattress MackHouston