Maria Gonzalez: Benefit concert, BBQ plate sale to support funeral 11-year-old

A benefit will be held to support the funeral of the 11-year-old girl killed in her home in Pasadena.

On Saturday, a BBQ plate sale will be held from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the help from Houston's Meat Planet, to help the family of Maria Gonzalez, the young girl found sexually assaulted and strangled under a bed in her home by her father.

RELATED: Pasadena crime: Bail denied for Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez in death of Maria Gonzalez

The plate will include chicken, sausage, rice, beans, and potato salad for $15. Attendees can also get sausage on a stick for $5.

In addition to the plate sale, there will be a benefit concert from 5 to 8 p.m. featuring Houston's mariachi sensation Eduardo Antonio from America's Got Talent, singer SamKnight, and Tejano singer Gabriella Martinez.

There will also be a candlelight vigil.


Maria's father gave this statement:

I want to thank the whole community for making this possible. There was no way I could have ever done this on my own. I am forever in debt to every single person who helped us. Thank you for uniting with me and my family and helping me return my daughter to Guatemala. 

Quiero decirle gracias a toda la comunidad por este logro. Yo no hubiera podido asearlo sin ustedes. Por siempre estaré en deuda con todos que me ayudaron. Gracias por unirse conmigo y mi familia, para que nuestra niña regresara a Guatemala, con mi corazón en la mano muchas gracias.