Mandatory evacuation issued for Wharton

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City leaders have already set up a shelter for residents in Wharton while schools have shut down until Monday.

The city issued a mandatory evacuation after the Colorado River began to rise and the sewage system stopped working at some homes.

Felicia Jones is one of more than 60 people who has accepted the city's offer to leave the west side and move into Wharton Junior High school for temporary shelter...

The west side was hardest hit by the flooding.

It's a residential area where the water has already claimed dozen homes and businesses with a potential for 350 properties.

Wharton's Police Chief Terry Lynch says they have rescued 80 people and 9 have flatly rejected the proposal to evacuate.

That's even with the National Weather Service saying the river is expected to crest at 48 feet 7:00 p.m.Friday.

It's already at 47.7 feet according to city officials.

In the meantime, those who have left their homes in Wharton say it's foolish to ignore the evacuation order when you have ample warning.