Man wants justice after pit bulls killed his goats

A Huntsville man says he wants justice after the neighbor’s dogs killed the last of the animals on his hobby farm.

Michael Smith says he was horrified when he opened his gate and discovered his four goats living in the small farm behind his home had been brutally attacked.

“The larger one was skinned from shoulder down—about half skinned—and the baby goat was laying in the middle of the yard out here with its head missing,” said Smith.

Smith says his daughter and grandkids had stopped by for a visit Tuesday when two pit bulls approached.

“She was leaving when the dogs came down the hill chasing her and the kids,” said Smith.

They escaped, and the dogs ran away, so the family went up to the shed to make sure the goats were okay. That’s when they made the gruesome discovery. Smith called police.

“See the blood still on the wall over there,” said Smith, pointing at stains smeared across the wall of the shed in the goat pen. “I know where the dogs came from, and it’s not the first time they’ve been here.”

Back in March he called police after the dogs attacked his two calves.

“We found the calf in the corner with his lip hanging,” said Smith.

He having to butcher the calves. The goats were the last of the hobby farm that he had for his grandkids.

“It’s enjoyment to the heart to see them play like they did with the goats,” said Smith, adding the kids named the baby goat Max.

FOX 26 stopped by the neighbor’s house, but the pit bull owner didn't want to talk. Smith says a detective told him the dogs were removed from the property after the attack.

Huntsville Police did not return call from FOX 26 Monday.

While Smith hopes the dogs are gone for good, he's still left with an empty farm.

“I’m asking for someone to replace my goats,” said Smith.

Smith says police have asked him, his daughter and granddaughter to come back into the police station Monday to make formal statements. In the meantime, he says police have told him to just stay away from his neighbor.