Man arrested after allegedly shooting up ex-girlfriend's home

Authorities have a man behind bars after he reportedly shot up his ex-girlfriend's house twice in one day. 


According to Lt. Crowson with the Houston Police Department, officers got a call from a woman who said her ex-boyfriend did a drive-by shooting at her house around 4 p.m. 

Around 90 minutes later, the unidentified man came back and kicked in the front door of her home before opening fire again. 

Law enforcement officials set up surveillance at the man's home, and he took off in a pickup truck. From there, they waited until he stopped for gas and got out of his truck in the 4400 block of W 18th St. 

We're told a taser was deployed during the arrest and several weapons, including a possible short-barreled rifle, were found in the man's truck. 


No one was seriously injured during the drive-by or the arrest, Lt. Crowson confirmed, and the ex-boyfriend is expected to face several charges but an investigation remains underway.