Ukrainians in Houston spend Mother's Day hoping for their loved ones' safety

While many Houstonians spent the day with their mothers celebrating, local Ukrainians spent yet another day worried about the safety of their mothers and loved ones. 

"I'm trying to put myself into their spot and imagine my reaction knowing that my city is under bombs and my mom is somewhere there," said Ekaterina Kuznetsova, owner of U.S. Dance Company in Houston. 


On Sunday, Kuznetsova held a fundraiser at her studio to help assist the many women who have fled the country with only their children and what they could carry. 

Then, there are the thousands of Ukrainians who are in the U.S. while their parents are still trapped in a war-torn country.

"It’s really hard. All my family is in Ukraine, and it’s really dangerous for them and I hope the war will end soon, and my family can join me in United States," said Inyaa Tanasii.

MORE: U2’s Bono, The Edge do surprise concert for Ukrainian troops in Kyiv

Some people are unable to even make a Mother's Day phone call because of broken phone connections. 

"I wish my mom could be with me this very special day," said Dariya Dashutina.

Dashutina says her father can’t leave the county because men under the age of 60 have been forced to stay and fight, and her mother has refused to leave him behind. 

"I just can’t wait to see them, I just can’t wait to hug them. It’s a very difficult time for all of us," she said. 

And for everyone who has been able to spend this Mother's Day celebrating with the women who raised them, Dashutina sending this message.

"I wish you guys could only see what you have right now, and appreciate every single moment," she said.

If you’d like more information on how you can help to support Ukrainian mothers, follow this link: Help Ukrainian Mothers and Children | Us Dance Company
