Katy ISD board discusses implementing policy on LGBTQ issues

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Katy ISD Board presents policy impacting LGBTQ community

FOX 26 Reporter Gabby Hart has more on what the board discussed.

Gender fluidity and parental authority were discussed during a Katy ISD school board meeting Monday evening. 

The policy wasn't made readily available for the media, even though it was a public meeting. 

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However, according to board members the policy addresses LGBTQ students when it comes to sports, bathrooms, separation of sexes and pronouns.

It was created by the Katy ISD policy committee and reviewed with outside council. Board members say this policy is meant to give guidance to teachers.

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It also states parents must inform parents if a student asks to be identified as transgender or by different pronouns. However, it seems the policy also states the teacher is not required to call a student by any pronoun if they don't feel comfortable doing so. 

Monday was just a workshop to discuss adopting the agenda, so nothing was voted on. 

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Board members say a key part of this policy is making sure teachers are not keeping secrets from parents. 

Check back later to view the policy in full.