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How to lower high-speed internet costs
Many of us are paying too much for internet service and research from BroadbandNow shows the reason for higher prices is low competition. FOX 26 Consumer Reporter Heather Sullivan has more with how you could lower costs.
HOUSTON - A new study shows many of us are paying too much for internet service.
Research by BroadbandNow, a company that helps consumers find internet plans, shows too little competition between providers is leading to higher prices and slower speeds.
Internet service findings
What we know:
BroadbandNow found that the Harris County area is among the least competitive for high-speed internet providers.
And across the country, the study found Americans in 96% of counties have little choice for high-speed internet providers.
The study found some larger counties with populations over 500,000 had surprisingly uncompetitive markets.
Affordability is critical for the majority of households that rely on the internet for work, education or healthcare.
Tyler says the study underscores the need for policies to foster a more competitive market to ensure fair pricing for everyone.
What they're saying:
"If you have a higher level of competition, let’s say, what we found is the 300 least competitive markets had a price of $270 a month, which is quite high, compared to $174 in the three most competitive counties. That’s a 35% difference," explained Tyler Cooper, Editor-in-Chief for BroadbandNow.
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"It’s pretty difficult for a new provider, especially a smaller one, to come in and compete in those markets because they’d have to go and build their own lines, not only to the city and county as a whole, but also directly to your home," he said.
BEAD Program
One hope is the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment, or BEAD Program that will provide $42 billion to expand high-speed internet access through planning, infrastructure, and development across the country. It has experienced delays in the past few years, and there are some questions about whether it will solve the problem, but it is supposed to be implemented over the next few years.
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Decrease your internet costs
What you can do:
So how can you lower your internet bill when there’s only one provider?
- Ask them if there’s a lower-tier plan that will give you the service you need
- You can purchase your own modem and router so you don’t have to rent them
- Look for bundled packages with other services like phone or TV
- Check for any available discounts or promotions from your provider
The Source: Tyler Cooper, Editor-in-Chief for BroadbandNow and the BroadbandNow website.