How to preserve flowers as lifetime keepsakes
How to preserve flowers as lifetime keepsakes
There’s a new trend on social media of preserving flowers in resin to create keepsakes that last a lifetime.
HOUSTON - Flowers from a wedding, a memorial, or maybe just a special gift often just wither and die. But there’s a new trend on social media of preserving flowers in resin to create keepsakes that last a lifetime.
We asked Judi Gevara from Bloomsake in Houston to show how it's made into a variety of items, from paper weights, to framed arrangements, to bottle stops, that can include preserved flowers. She says the process takes about six months and costs range from $50 to $650 depending on the size and detail of the design.
For do-it-yourselfers, there are about eight different ways to preserve flowers, from pressing them in a book, hanging them upside down, to preserving them in silica. You can read more about different preservation methods in Bride magazine.