Truck drivers in Northwest Houston frustrated by equipment thefts

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Houston crime: Video shows suspect steal computer module from truck

Truck drivers in northwest Houston are expressing frustration after a series of suspected thefts involving expensive equipment from their vehicles.

Truck drivers in northwest Houston are expressing frustration after a series of suspected thefts involving expensive equipment from their vehicles. 

"Earn the money the right way"

What they're saying:

Surveillance footage shows a man entering a truck and grabbing a computer module, an incident that has become increasingly common in the area.

Awais Ali tells FOX 26 it's happened to him four times in the last year. 

"Do some type of job, go to work, earn the money the right way," Ali said. "In our language, you can say ‘Halal money.’ That’s not Halal, man."

Ali’s surveillance video captures the moment a suspect enters his cab and removes a Common Powertrain Controller, or CPC, from the dashboard. 

Photo of a man seen entering a semi truck parked on a lot in Northwest Houston March 9. Video shows the man breaking the window and removing a computer module from the vehicle.


Theft caught on camera

What we know:

The incident took place on Sunday, March 9, at around 4:30 pm in a secured lot on Satsuma Drive near Emmett Road. 

Another video shows the same individual climbing back over a fence, getting into a black sedan, and driving away. A CPC is essential to truck operations. Without it, the truck would be inoperable, and repairs can cost thousands of dollars.

"The market is not good, the rates are not good, the diesel prices are high," Ali said. "We’re going through a lot. It’s a really hard time for the truckers."

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VIDEO: Thief steals computer module from truck in Houston

Truck drivers in northwest Houston are expressing frustration after a series of suspected thefts involving expensive equipment from their vehicles. One video shared with FOX 26 shows t a suspect breaking into a truck and removing a Common Powertrain Controller, or CPC, from the dashboard.

"Losing time, losing money"

Big picture view:

Satnam Singh, another truck driver who has experienced similar incidents, talked about how detrimental the damage can be. 

"If you claim it on your insurance, it’s a $1,000 deductible. If you fix it out of pocket, it's still $2,000-3,000," Singh said. "That’s time off the road. Losing time, losing money."

Harminder Singh tells FOX 26 after his truck's CPC was stolen, he was able to find it on Facebook Marketplace and bought it back from a man who resembled the person he suspected of stealing it.

"I bought it for $250. I asked him, ‘Was it you?" H. Singh said. "He said, ’That's not me! Why would I contact you or ask you to pick it up if it was me?' I warned him, if we see anyone trespassing near our property, all we could do is let the guns talk." 

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Houston crime: Truck driver forced to buy back stolen equipment

Truck drivers in northwest Houston are upset because expensive equipment has been stolen from their vehicles. One driver even had to buy back his own equipment from someone selling it on Facebook Marketplace.

The investigation continues

What's next:

No arrests have been made, and the Harris County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the cases.

The Source: FOX 26's Sherman Desselle spoke with truck drivers who were impacted by thieves in the Houston area.

Crime and Public Safety