Houston traffic: Weekend closures announced for I-610 West Loop/I-69 Southwest Freeway Interchange Project

The Texas Department of Transportation has announced weekend road closures for the I-610 West Loop/I-69 Southwest Freeway Interchange Project.

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Officials said the closure is to facilitate final striping and other work.

As a result, the following closures will be in effect from 9 p.m. Friday, November 15 through 5 a.m. Sunday, November 17:

  • I-69 Southwest Freeway northbound from Hillcroft to I-610 West Loop five right lanes will be closed (two left lanes will remain open).
  • I-69 Southwest Freeway northbound connector ramp to I-610 West Loop southbound total closure. Traffic to continue on the I-69 northbound mainlanes. Take the Weslayan St. exit. U-turn at Weslayan St.onto the I-69 Southbound frontage road. Take next entrance ramp onto I-69 southbound mainlanes to the connector to I-610 southbound mainlanes.
  • I-69 Southwest Freeway northbound connector ramp to I-610 West Loop northbound total closure. Traffic to continue on the I-69 northbound mainlanes. Take the Weslayan St. exit. U-turn at Weslayan St.onto the I-69 Southbound frontage road. Take next entrance ramp onto I-69 southbound mainlanes to the connector to I-610 northbound mainlanes.
  • I-69 Southwest Freeway northbound exit ramp to Westpark will total closure. Detour to the next available exit ramp.
  • I-69 Southwest Freeway northbound exit ramp to Chimney Rock total closure. Detour to the next available exit ramp.
  • I-69 Southwest Freeway northbound entrance ramp from Chimney Rock total closure. Detour to the next available entrance ramp.
  • Westpark Tollway eastbound exit ramp to I-69 Southwest Freeway northbound mainlanes total closure. Traffic to exit to Post Oak Blvd./ Westpark Dr.
  • I-610 West Loop southbound mainlanes from I-69 Southwest Freeway to Bellaire Blvd, one right lane closed.