Houston Star of Hope lights up Christmas early with FOX 26 partnership to end homelessness

Christmas is a week away, but the Star of Hope organization is celebrating on Monday. FOX 26 Houston has partnered with the non-profit organization to help put an end to homelessness. The Star of Hope’s women and children’s shelter is FOX Forward’s holiday grant recipient.

"We find that homelessness is not seasonal. People need help year-round," said Scott Arthur, the director of communications for Star of Hope. 

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For over a century, the Star of Hope has been a beacon of hope and support for Houston’s homeless community. The non-profit began as a men's homeless shelter before expanding to serve women too. 

"This place holds 180 single women and 130 families. There’s nothing like it in America," said Arthur. 

The organization offers the un-housed population with programs like education, employment, recovery from substance abuse, and more.

Arthur said there are many misconceptions about homelessness.

"Many people think of homelessness, and they think of a guy on the street or maybe an old lady pushing a wagon down the sidewalk. But they never consider the fact that babies are homeless as well. And we’ve had babies here as young as three weeks," said Arthur. 

FOX 26 Houston is now on the FOX LOCAL app available through Apple TV, Amazon FireTV, Roku, Google Android TV, and Vizio!

The Star of Hope also has a nationally credited daycare with certified teachers taking care of 225 kids just this week.

"Children are victims of homelessness and this is a face of homelessness that most people don’t see or consider," said Arthur. "Moms will drop the kids by because they're either going to work and still staying here or they're in class."

For thousands in Houston, the Star of Hope’s journey begins on the street and ends with a safe place to call home. It’s not just a roof over their heads, it’s a chance to rebuild their lives.

"We get a lot of people who want to help Star of Hope and FOX is a great supporter of Star of Hope, and we’re very grateful for that," said Arthur. 

FOX 26 and the Star of Hope handed out an estimated 350 to 400 meals to people in need. Half of those meals went to children.