Houston ISD student seen interviewed on FOX 26 gifted new glasses by generous donor
Houston ISD student seen interviewed on FOX 26 gifted new glasses by generous donor
In early February, a story aired featuring five students from Houston ISD’s Attucks Middle School in Sunnyside. FOX 26 viewers couldn’t help but notice in the interview that Madison Jones-Austin, 12, was in need of a new pair of glasses.
HOUSTON - After watching one of FOX 26's Black History Month stories, some generous viewers are offering to help one of the interviewees.
In early February, a story aired featuring five students from Houston ISD’s Attucks Middle School in Sunnyside.
FOX 26 viewers couldn’t help but notice in the interview that 12-year-old Madison Jones-Austin was in need of a new pair of glasses. The 6th grader said she accidentally broke her glasses while walking in the cafeteria months ago.
"I went to my teacher, and she had these big rolls of tape. So I asked her for some tape and taped them up, and they stayed for a long time," Jones-Austin said.
"When she came home, I let her know I saw the clip and I said you had the big blue tape on your glasses. And when i looked at her, she had super glued them back together, so I said you couldn’t find the superglue before you did the interview?" said Jennifer Jones, Madison's mother.
FOX 26 viewers jumped to action, reaching out via email, phone, and social media, offering to buy Madison an eye exam or brand-new glasses.
One viewer, in particular, did her own detective work and was able to contact Madison and her mom directly, through the school.
"To the generous donor that wants to remain anonymous, we truly, truly thank you," said Jones. "We really appreciate it, and we’re just so thankful. Thank you."
On average, a pair of prescription glasses can cost hundreds of dollars. For a single mom like Jennifer, sometimes finances can be tight.
"I appreciate it so much because it just lets me know that there’s some good people, that do good for other people," Jennifer said.
Despite multiple generous offers, Jennifer says one new pair of glasses is more than enough.
She encourages anyone else who wants to help, to donate to other charitable organizations like onesight.org.
"Thank you so much for your generosity," Jennifer said. "We have a donor that reached out to us, and we’re going to go with them. So, we appreciate it very, very much."