Honor Flight veterans visit Arlington National Cemetery

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A quiet morning at Arlington National Cemetery marked the second day of the honor flight trip in Washington D.C.

Upon arriving veterans were given the opportunity to walk the sloping hills around the Memorial Amphitheater, just part of the more than 624-acre cemetery where veterans and so many others are laid to rest.

For folks like Hugh Gutzman, seeing the cemetery was an honor.

"I have some relatives buried here, so it's important," says Gutzman.

Gutzman served in World War II from 1944 to 1946 as a corporal in the infantry.

He like many others, were almost at a loss for words at seeing the thousands of graves representing so many years of hard work and sacrifice for our nation. "Mystifying, ya," says Gutzman describing his experience.

Korean War veteran Robert J. Mitchell says, "there are a lot of good people here, I just went to see Audie Murphy's grave." Of course all of the Texans had to visit 1st Lieutenant Audie Murphy's grave. He was a Lieutenant in the Army and went on to become a Major in the Army National Guard later on. Murphy is considered one of the conflict's most decorated heroes.

Something that stood out about his grave were the coins on top of it, left by loved ones. We are told everything from pennies to quarters represent family and friend, to those that were with the man when he died.

The group also watched the changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider. There, every moment of every day of the year a Marine marches back and forth honoring those who were never identified.

"I think it's nice for all the people that were laid to rest here, that they have that kind of honor, they deserve it," says Mitchell.