Honor Flight Houston heads home

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The Honor Flight journey for the veterans from the Houston area was an experience that lasted less than two days. In that time frame they saw several memorials and museums and were thanked everywhere they went.

From the Marine Corps Barracks Parade to the Arlington National Cemetery to the memorials at the National Mall, the veterans had a busy trip to Washington DC.

"The Vietnam Memorial, I wanted to see that because they have the names etched in that and my brother was in the World War II memorial, he was killed in Europe flying in a B-24," said World war II and Korean War veteran James Robinson.

And everywhere they went they were thanked for their time serving.

"They did it at the hotel and the airport, it's those people I appreciate," Robinson said.

"When we got here and when we arrived at the airport there was a group of people clapping and applauding and that got me," Korean War veteran Richard Mitchell said.

As the group journeyed home, they received a special surprise on the flight—letters from home.

They even got a few from people they didn't know—thanks you's, drawings, and cards from loved ones.

"It was just like when we use to get mail in Korea, it was special," Korean War Veteran Robert J. Mitchell said.

"Yea, it reminds me of when I use to get letters from home," World War II veteran Ky Putnam said.

While some made the venture east with guardians that volunteered, others were able to bring members of their family.

"I'm glad that I got to share this experience with him because it's been wonderful," said Grace Blasingame, the daughter of a veteran.

Veterans like Richard Mitchell say it was a once in a lifetime experience getting to spend time with fellow brothers, a place that reminded them of what they went through 60 to 70 years ago.

"We returned home, but the heroes died. So it was a moving experience, very much," Richard Mitchell said.

Chairman of Honor Flight Houston Ashley French says the trip is for those that served. It's a way to give back to the men and women who sacrificed for our country.

"They are not known for the greatest generation for no reason. They are truly the greatest generation and they are the generation that essentially in a nutshell saved the world, and so I don't think that should be taken lightly. Just because they are in their 90's now doesn't mean that the gratitude and the freedoms that we enjoy on a daily basis should be forgotten," French said.