Harris Co. Commissioners lash out at Bush, GLO over flood funding
Harris Co. Commissioners urge Bush to reconsider denial of flood aid
FOX 26 Reporter Greg Groogan has more on the call of Harris County Commissioners to reconsider denial of flood aid.
HARRIS COUNTY, Texas - A united front of outrage at Harris County Commissioner's Court over the denial of $1 Billion federal flood control dollars set by distribution by the state.
Congress approved the huge allotment back in 2018 after the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey. Three years later and Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush has determined Harris County is entitled to almost none of it, even though the Houston area sustained more than $120 billion in flood damage before and after the storm.
At Tuesday's meeting of Commissioner's Court Republicans joined Democrats in a scathing condemnation of the General Land Office and pledged a sustained fight for Harris County's fair share.
RELATED: No federal flood relief funds for Harris County, says TX GLO - What's Your Point?
"It's not acceptable to continue to go down the road, the GLO road. They clearly don't know what they are doing, I've said that, I'll say it again, they didn't know what they are doing," said Tom Ramsey, Harris County Commissioner Precinct 3.
"The metrics were flawed in a big way. They seem to be designed that if you represent almost five million people, the deck was stacked against us," said Rodney Ellis, Harris County Commissioner Precinct 1.
RELATED: Houston, Harris Co. not included in $1 billion Texas flood mitigation project
"It is now incredibly clear that the State works to actively screw us and we just can't sit by and take it anymore," said Adrian Garcia, Harris County Commissioner Precinct 2.
Commissioner Bush has defended the fund distribution as fair and "forward looking" while also denying partisan politics played any role in his agency's decision.
GLO slights Harris County
Houston's Sunday morning political debate show! The WYP panel talks about the recent announcement from the Texas General Land Office that Harris County will get $0.00 in flood mitigation from federal dollars intended for Hurricane Harvey recovery.
Tuesday, a bi-partisan group of 22 Houston area State lawmakers urged Bush to reverse his decision.