'Fury' over Michael Wolff book

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The new tell-all book "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House" is flying off store shelves and on backorder online. It paints a less-than-flattering portrayal of the President Donald Trump.

The book, written by Michael Wolff, contains plenty of bombshell revelations. President Trump's former advisor Steve Bannon  is quoted quite a lot. Bannon refers to the campaign meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer as "treasonous" and "unpatriotic."

Also, Bannon calls First Daughter Ivanka Trump "dumb as a brick."

Other claims include that the President and First Lady Melania Trump don't spend much time together and sleep in different rooms.

Also, that Ivanka plans to be the first female President.

Wolff also writes that the President and his campaign staff never planned on winning the race, but rather that Trump just wanted to be "the most famous man in the world" and launch his own network.

Some people are casting doubt on Wolff's credibility, but the author says he conducted more than 200 interviews, has recordings and spoke with the President before and after the inauguration.

The White House says Wolff never spoke with President Trump for the book and calls the whole thing "complete fantasy."

Attorney and radio host "Big Angry" Charles Adams and activist/educator Tony Diaz discuss the book with Isiah Carey.