Friendswood nail salon owner accused of locking woman, her 4-year-old son inside after bill dispute
Nail salon accused of locking in woman, child
A customer at a Friendswood nail salon says the owner locked her and her 4-year-old son inside the business for 30 minutes after she disputed the bill. The same nail salon has been the subject of two previous FOX 26 reports. Randy Wallace has more from the newsroom.
FRIENDSWOOD, Texas - The nail salon has been the subject of two previous FOX 26 reports.
A recent customer says she had to call the cops to get freed from Epic Nails AKA Helen's Nails at 2110 El Dorado Blvd.
She says the nail shop owner wanted to charge her $200 because she called the law on her.
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Last April, we told you how this woman says she was charged almost $700 to have her toenails painted at Epic Nails. Then last July, we did a report with this customer who said the nail shop threatened her with litigation after posting a bad review.
This customer who asked that we not identify her has the craziest story to date.
We will call her Jane.
She says she went to Epic Nails on Sunday for a basic pedicure and was charged $110.
"It was $55 for a basic pedicure, $20 for shellac removal, $20 for a callus removal, $15 for a credit card charge, and $10 dollars for my 4-year-old to have a bottle of water," said Jane.
She says she agreed to pay $55.
"She locked me in the building with my 4-year-old child, and he was crying, asking if we're going to go to jail because I called the police," Jane said.
When a sheriff's deputy arrived, Jane said the nail shop owner told him she owed $335. "$200 for calling the police," said Jane.
When we went to Epic Nails, a man there told us he didn't know anything about what happened on Sunday.
The nail shop owner said nothing and walked away. A deputy walked out moments before we entered the salon.
It's not clear what prompted his visit.