Fishing with Houston area man who caught 300lb alligator gar

Conservationist and YouTube sensation, Peyton Moore, is proving there are big fish lurking in Houston waterways. 

Earlier this month, Moore reeled in a monster alligator gar in the Houston area. The Sugar Land resident isn’t revealing where it was caught, but video of the monster 300-pound fish is posted to his YouTube channel.


"Some people love birds, they love dogs, reptiles, [even] sloths," said Moore. "I love fish. Fish are so underappreciated as part of a healthy ecosystem."

On Wednesday, FOX 26 went on an exclusive fishing trip with Moore along Buffalo Bayou. Moore says he routinely catches 100-pound alligator gar in the city.

"A lot of people come out here for the scenery," said Moore. "They come out here to run [or] walk their dog, without ever knowing there could be a fish weighing a hundred pounds, if not more, right under their feet."

Moore says waterways in and around the Houston area full of giant fish.

"The knowledge that fish like that live in ecosystems like this is a little more common among fishermen," said Moore. "The general public is still very surprised to see me pull out one of these ancient animals."


On Wednesday, FOX 26 didn’t catch any fish with Moore, but he says that’s all part of the experience of fishing. There were plenty of close calls, and big fish that got away.

"It wasn’t the best outcome, but very much an accurate picture of what this is actually like," said Moore. "As far as big cities, skyscrapers, perfectly manicured parks, it’s not stopping a big 200-pound alligator gar from setting up shop."

If you’re interested in see some of Moore’s fishing experiences in Houston, click HERE.