Family memories of murdered teens, their mother

Barbara DeRamus is just trying to understand why her world has shattered. Everywhere in her Baytown home, there are reminders of her three girls, gone forever. In the coming days, a funeral for the two teens and their mother. On Saturday, a family wedding.

"It's supposed to be over 100 people or more," describes DeRamus, who just can't believe her daughter Cynthia, and her granddaughters Breanna and Kirsten, who were supposed to attend, are instead homicide victims.

And the dresses they were supposed to wear at the wedding, will now be worn at their funeral services.

Funerals just before the holidays, that DeRamus says she would have never had to plan if Jesse Dobbs, the only suspect in the three deaths identified by Baytown police, would have never come into the lives of her daughter and granddaughter.

"This is a mother's and a grandmother's worst nightmare" says DeRamus.

Kirsten Fritch, 16, whose body was found in a wooded area in Texas City, was stabbed to death, according to the Galveston County Medical Examiner's Office. Her mother Cynthia and sister Breanna were found shot to death in their Baytown home on Tuesday.

"Kirsten, when I would come home from New York, she would do this thing," says Tina DeRamus, aunt of the teens who were killed. "She would stay up, all night and wait for me to come home." Tina adds that she and Kirsten "had a real connection."

A loving aunt and sister, who even through her pain, has a warning for young people to not meet people on the internet.