Family holds funeral for woman found after she vanished more than 50 years ago

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Family holds funeral for woman found after she vanished more than 50 years ago

DNA now confirms Cynthia Wardells' mom, who disappeared in 1970, was buried as a Jane Doe years ago. Her family was able to finally hold a home-going service for her.

Family members are finally holding a funeral for a woman who’s been missing since 1970. It’s an update to a story we brought you last month, about a daughter who’s been searching for her mother for 52 years.

PREVIOUS: Daughter finds missing Houston mom after more than 50 years

After decades of Patricia Thomas Wardell being buried as a Jane Doe and her grave sitting without visitors or flowers that has now changed. Her loved ones finally know where she is after five decades of searching. 

"I’m just thankful to God because I’ve been praying for this for a very long time," says Patricia’s daughter Cynthia Wardell. 

Although her body has been in this grave with a headstone marked "unknown remains" for years Patricia’s family members say today they are finally laying her to rest. 

"A very big weight has been lifted off my shoulders, over 50 years, you know?" Patricia’s daughter says. Cynthia was just a year old when her mom disappeared, and she hasn’t stopped longing or looking for her.


So this day, the day of her mom’s long-awaited home-going service, is special indeed. 

"I used to cry about a whole lot and I’m stronger today now that I have closure," Cynthia says. "That’s the kind of peace it gives me." 

Patricia, a young mother, and wife was just 18-years-old when she went missing back in 1970. The family, after a DNA match last month, just found out the teenager was discovered dead in the woods off of C.E. King Parkway in 1971. They also didn’t know she’s been buried in the county cemetery for years, as loved ones continued searching for her.

"My heart is heavy, but it’s getting lighter because now I know where my sister is." Leroy Thomas says after the service for his sister.  

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Daughter finds missing Houston mom after more than 50 years

FOX 26’s Damali Keith caught up with Cynthia Wardell in northeast Houston, where the family received bittersweet news. Her mom is deceased but was given the name of the cemetery where her mother is buried.

"It brings joy to my heart to now know where she is because when it first happened I’d be following people thinking it was her," Patricia’s sister Maxine McNeely adds. 

"She can look down upon us and see that the family loves her and how we all came together to honor her." big brother Raymond Thomas explains.    

RELATED: New DNA forensic lab in Houston area gaining national recognition for solving cold cases

After missing out on so much, including grandchildren and great-grandson, loved ones say they now know, even if just in spirit, she is here with them. 

"I think now she can rest in peace," Patricia’s daughter says while choking back tears. "Now I just want to know who did this to my mother."   

The Harris County Sheriff’s Office wants to know that as well. Cold case detectives, there are investigating and hope to solve this 52-year-old murder.