FBI Houston: Family members react to arrests in Aable Bail Bonds investigation

An emotional scene unfolded in court on Thursday morning as several individuals named as defendants in an alleged bail bond scheme related to Aable Bail Bonds expressed frustration and confusion. Family members attending the hearing shared their distress, with many stating they would have made a different choice in choosing a bail bond company had they known the full implications they would be in.

Yvette Brown, whose sons and brother were arrested, described law enforcement’s tactics as excessively harsh. "They came to our house like they were murderers," Brown said. "It was very disrespectful the way they came." She depicted the scene as cinematic in its intensity and frightening for those involved, including her grandchildren.

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In an incident caught on a Ring camera, police can be seen ordering defendants to exit a house. Brown added, "It hurt to see them go through that for something they didn’t do."

Michael Ford Jr., Patrick Brown, and Cornelius Brown Jr. have been named as co-defendants in the ongoing investigation into the bail bond operations. 

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Cornelius Brown Jr

Yvette Brown reported paying $19,000 in cash to Aable Bail Bonds for the release of her son, who had a $500,000 bond.

Footage shared with Fox 26 shows Patrick Brown walking out of a home with his hands raised. According to family members, it appears that individuals with a criminal history are being specifically targeted.

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Brittany Jordan, whose husband was taken into custody, called for fairness. "People did their time and paid the price for what they did," Jordan stated. "Stop judging on our past, let’s move forward; this is wrong, the whole situation."


Additional defendants, Derrick and Destynee Washington, a father and daughter, have also been swept up in the case. Relatives indicated that Derrick was in the process of being bonded out when detained, and Destynee had reportedly never been to Aable Bail Bonds. A family member expressed disbelief at the circumstances, stating, "How y’all detaining someone that was getting bonded out? How? He doesn’t know what’s going on," but concluded with a hopeful outlook, "We’re going to get through it, we all are, even the other family members."

Yvette Brown is relieved that her sons and her brother have been released on a good-faith bond and with travel restrictions.

Crime and Public SafetyHouston