Ex-con serving probated sentence for assault gets bond set at $15,000 after he allegedly kills someone

39-year-old Oscar Mario Soto has a criminal history that dates to 2004. After being released from jail on such a low bond, Soto doesn't bother to show back up to court.

Photos show 39-year-old Arthur Montemayor dancing with his niece last Christmas.

"He was the cool uncle that my children adored," said Arthur's sister Patricia Montemayor.

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Arthur wouldn't live to see this Christmas. He was killed in a hit and run last June 25th.

"After that, my life just turned upside down," said his sister, Patricia. "It's been horrible."

Police say the lives of Arthur Montemayor and Oscar Soto literally collided on that fateful June day. While Soto was a stranger to Montemayor, he and the criminal justice system go way back.

"In 2014, he was convicted in the U.S Attorney's Office, a federal offense of harboring and bringing in illegal immigrants," said Andy Kahan with Crime Stoppers. 

In May 2021, Soto got his second conviction for felony assault of a family member. His sentence: three years' probation.

"While he's on probation, he gets charged with failure to stop and render aid," Kahan said.

Police say Soto's truck and Montemayor's motorcycle crashed in the 8300 block of Almeda Genoa. Montemayor dies and Soto allegedly drives off.

"No human being should have that brought upon them," Montemayor said. "They should always have someone to look out for them. That's what he would have done."

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Keep in mind when Soto appears in the 177th Judge Robert Johnson's Court, he has violated his probation by being charged with failure to stop and render aid.

"They give him a $15,000 bond, which is really chump change for someone with this type of criminal history," said Kahan.

"It's horrible," said Montemayor. "How can you put a dollar amount on a human being? It's horrible."


Soon, Soto proves bond conditions mean nothing to him.

"When they have a bond violation hearing, he doesn't show up," Kahan said.

Two days after Soto fails to appear in court, he's arrested and charged with tampering with a government record.

"He's one of those thousands of people you see driving around with fake paper tags," said Kahan.


Soto is currently in jail with no bond set. According to court documents, he's made a disturbing threat.

"This is the first time I've seen somebody state on the record, if you release me, I'm going to shoot somebody," Kahan said.

Patricia Montemayor says she's lost more than just her younger brother.

"He was practically my kids second father," she said. "It's never going to be the same."

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