Doctor's controversial claim of COVID-19 cure goes viral, gets censored

A Houston doctor is going viral on social media, but multiple platforms are censoring the video as quickly as people can get them posted.

Doctor Stella Immanuel has raised eyebrows in the past for saying women have medical issues for having sex with demons and witches in their dreams and that people use alien DNA on humans. Some of those messages are posted across YouTube.

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Dr. Immanuel's latest message about a cure for COVID-19 is stirring up new controversy.

“America, there is a cure for COVID. All this foolishness does not need to happen. There is a cure for COVID," Dr. Immanuel said.

This quote is part of a news conference video being censored and deleted by Facebook and Twitter. Dr. Immanuel claims about a COVID-19 cure was even shared by President Donald Trump on Twitter before it was deleted.

Donald Trump Jr's Twitter account was suspended for sharing the controversial video.

Rehoboth Medical Center in west Houston was busy with new patients who told FOX 26 they were seeking COVID-19 treatment.


One patient told FOX 26 he was there for his final check-up after successfully being treated for COVID-19 with Hydroxychloroquine.

He spoke under the condition of anonymity.

Patient: “Now I’m back to normal and I feel better.”
Ivory Hecker: “So you had COVID?”
Patient: “Mhm.”
Ivory Hecker: “When was this?”
Patient: “Last month.”
Ivory Hecker: “And how quickly were you better after-“
Patient: “After like five days.”
Ivory Hecker: “Five days after taking Hydroxychloroquine?”
Patient: “Yes.”
Ivory Hecker: “How bad was it?”
Patient: “When I came here, I was very weak. I have cough.”

On Tuesday, Immanuel continuing to speak out at a second press conference in Washington, D.C. with other members of the group “America’s Frontline Doctors.”

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She says she studied medicine in west Africa where she successfully treated malaria patients with Hydroxychloroquine, and when COVID-19 came to the US, she began using the same medicine on her Houston patients.

“We’ve not had one death,” said Immanuel. “America, you don’t need to be afraid. COVID has a cure. You don’t need to be afraid. COVID has prevention. If they put everybody on Hydroxychloroquine right now for those with early disease—early disease—and those that want to get prevention, I’m telling you it will stop COVID in its tracks in 30 days.”

The National Institutes of Health announced in late June it halted a clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine, saying it is neither harmful nor beneficial in the treatment of COVID-19.

They added that the anti-viral drug has demonstrated the ability to modify the activity of the immune system and has been used to treat malaria and rheumatoid arthritis, “leading to the hypothesis that it may have also been useful in the treatment of COVID-19.”

Immanuel is also facing criticism for mentioning no need to wear masks in her press conference, yet requiring masks at her practice. And she admittedly comes from a different perspective from Cameroon in Africa. Her commentary about witchcraft on her website bringing its own set of criticism.
