Deputy shot 7 times shares his story for the first time

The deputy shot seven times earlier this month is sharing his story only on FOX 26. 

There are not many people who survive being shot so many times at point blank range, but that's exactly what happened to Harris County Precinct 4 Deputy Constable Justin Gay. His survival isn't the only thing you may find surprising about his story.                   

“He shot me in my knee caps, shot me in my thighs, broke both femurs, shattered both knees.  I have a plate in my right shin,” explains Deputy Gay.

The night of November 5, 2017, changed the deputy’s life in an instant as he tried to arrest a domestic disturbance suspect. 

”I never saw a gun.  All I saw was a white flash, a white bright flash and a loud pop," Deputy Gay says.

Deputy Gay says he watched 38-year-old Constantine Argyrion stand over him and pull the trigger six more times.  In all, Deputy Gay was shot seven times below the waist and he survived.

”It was God's will.  I believe I have a calling that he wants me to go and figure out for myself.  That particular night he reminded me I am here for a purpose,” Deputy Gays says.  

After three weeks in the hospital, Deputy Gay went home the day before Thanksgiving. ”I'm going to be wheelchair bound for at least another six weeks.  If my knees are strong enough, we go back to the doctor and they will assess that.  If my knees are strong enough, I can possibly walk on a cane.”

Amazingly, he considers taking seven bullets a blessing that changed his life for the better. 

"Mentally and spiritually I've never felt better.  I've been here 30 years and I'm in the best mental state I've ever been in.”  Deputy Gay credits an out of body experience while in the LifeFlight helicopter for helping him gain this new appreciation.  He says he entered a bright light and could see his life playing in front of him on movie screens.  “I could see everything that happened, adolescent years, junior high and high school and it stopped at college.” 

Then he says a voice told him to "go back".  He says he did.  Now the father of two is home with his new wife, five month old son and 12-year-old daughter.

“Appreciate the things you have in life because it can easily and quickly be taken away from you,” Deputy Gay says.

Another deputy was actually the primary responding officer on that domestic disturbance call, but Deputy Gay arrived first.  Gay says the man who is now charged with his Attempted Murder is actually now on his prayer list.  He says he's been praying for him, he wishes him well and hopes he will find peace.  His wife actually found out her husband was shot on social media shortly before a deputy arrived at her home to give her the tragic news.

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