Deadly shooting at east Houston McDonald's restaurant
HOUSTON (FOX 26) - "And then, 60 seconds later, they come running inside saying the man was laying on the ground dead and I was the last person to speak to him that’s why it hurts me so bad,” the woman says as she is crying. Houston police detectives say it was likely someone Oliver was kind enough to hire was behind the 68-year-old’s murder.
“We believe there was a timing issue here where someone advised someone else that Mr. Oliver was indeed leaving the business on the money run," explains Houston Police Detective Fil Waters. "We think there was possible involvement from someone on the inside, either a former or current employee for that matter.”
Witnesses say a white Jeep Grand Cherokee was waiting in the parking lot for Oliver and the passenger reached out the window trying to snatch the bag of money from him.
“Mr. Oliver was armed," adds Detective Waters. "He drew his weapon in self defense, was not able to get off any rounds. At that time the people inside the car fired first and he dropped to the ground,”
"He’s a very genuine, warm, loving person," says Reverend John Fields. "To have something like this happen to him is a great loss for the community,”
“He was always willing to feed and provide any services for anyone, explains Reverend James Caldwell. "You could ask Mr. Oliver for anything,
“Mr. Oliver was always helping with community activities, helping to fund and give products to community events,” adds Fifth Ward district resident maestro Tom Jones.
“Anyone that has any information about who may have done this, get a dose of conscience and call and do the right thing," says Detective Waters. "This is all about doing what’s right. This is so wrong on so many levels. It’s a tragedy that need not have occurred.”
The money that the thieves were after wasn’t even taken. What was stolen? The life of a hard-working man who was a pillar in his Fifth Ward community.
"And you have some scoundrel who decides they’re going to take all of that away from him and his family," says Detective Waters. "That to me is despicable.”