Conditions at prisons discussed during Social Justice Summit in New York

Mass incarceration is a crippling problem across this country and the numbers prove it. There are more people behind bars in the U.S. than any place on earth and Black and brown people disproportionately make up the majority of that population. The conditions they are forced to live in was a focus at The United Justice Coalition Summit. 

In recent years, Parchman Prison in Mississippi has gotten a lot of attention for all the wrong reasons. It was the shocking scene of riots and deaths in 2020 as inmates complained of horrific conditions. A federal investigation revealed state officials committed systemic violations of prisoners' civil rights. 

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Rapper Yo Gotti, who was raised not far from Parchman, said he couldn’t believe his eyes as evidence began to circulate. 

"Some of these videos and pictures we were seeing, ya know when I first seen them, I thought they was fake. We didn't even think it was real, and when we first started communicating with me and Team Roc, we got even more pictures and more footage. And the deeper we got into it, it was unbelievable." 

Summit attendees also heard from the mother of Chadarion Henderson, who committed suicide after spending just two weeks inside Parchman. 

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Cheryl Henderson recalled her son’s desperate pleas for help, "everyday my son called me crying out for help saying, 'mom, I'm here with murderers and rapists. I’m a non-violent offender. The only thing that I did was not call my parole officer.' And he said, 'mom, I don’t know why I’m here." 

Stories like Chadrion’s are why Gotti refused to turn a blind eye and joined Team Roc in lawsuits that eventually forced the Department of Justice to investigate the conditions at Parchman. 

"I think prison is supposed to be rehabilitation facilities. Right? You should come out better than you went in. I don't think you should not make it out. I think everybody should just always stand up for the right things and what that they feel is wrong ya know." 

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Team Roc is now on to their next phase in fighting for Parchman inmates, as they are prepare to file suits against the federal Department of Corrections.